Several Companies like MS, Amazon and Flipkart has started asking this question to Generate next palindrome number.
Say K is given, Generate N such that N is palindrome and N > K.
Logic 1) Create
Interview Questions asked in Google, Microsoft, Amazon
by Dhaval Dave
Several Companies like MS, Amazon and Flipkart has started asking this question to Generate next palindrome number.
Say K is given, Generate N such that N is palindrome and N > K.
Logic 1) Create
by Dhaval Dave
Note that a rectangle can be represented by two coordinates, top left and bottom right. So mainly we are given following four coordinates.
by Dhaval Dave
by Dhaval Dave
by Dhaval Dave
by Dhaval Dave
by Dhaval Dave
Question : Get Minimum element in O(1) from Input Numbers or Stack
– With any traditional way we can’t get minimum element in O(1)
– so we need to come up with different data structure.
by Dhaval Dave
by Dhaval Dave
by Dhaval Dave