Question : Get Minimum element in O(1) from Input Numbers or Stack
– With any traditional way we can’t get minimum element in O(1)
– so we need to come up with different data structure.
– As its very old and famous question We are directly explaining logic
Logic 1)
Keep Two Stacks A and B.
A will contain all numbers which are input by users.
B will contain only minimum number from all input numbers.
ex. Input 10,20,5,30,2
Consider the following input A B (minimum elements) 2 --> TOP 2 ... 30 5 ... 5 5 (smallest in 10,20,5 input) 20 10 (smallest in 10,20 input) 10 10 (smallest at beginning)
– storing minimum element for each input.
– if current minimum element is popped , we still have minimum element in present stack
– O(n) Extra Space.
Code :
#include<iostream> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace std; class Stack { private: static const int max = 100; int arr[max]; int top; public: Stack() { top = -1; } bool isEmpty(); bool isFull(); int pop(); void push(int x); }; bool Stack::isEmpty() { if(top == -1) return true; return false; } bool Stack::isFull() { if(top == max - 1) return true; return false; } int Stack::pop() { if(isEmpty()) { cout<<"Stack Underflow"; abort(); } int x = arr[top]; top--; return x; } void Stack::push(int x) { if(isFull()) { cout<<"Stack Overflow"; abort(); } top++; arr[top] = x; } //Stack class SpecialStack: public Stack { Stack min; public: int pop(); void push(int x); int getMin(); }; void SpecialStack::push(int x) { if(isEmpty()==true) { Stack::push(x); min.push(x); } else { Stack::push(x); int y = min.pop(); min.push(y); if( x < y ) min.push(x); else min.push(y); } } int SpecialStack::pop() { int x = Stack::pop(); min.pop(); return x; } int SpecialStack::getMin() { int x = min.pop(); min.push(x); return x; } int main() { SpecialStack s; s.push(10); s.push(5); s.push(20); s.push(30); cout<<s.getMin()<<endl; s.push(1); cout<<s.getMin(); return 0; }
C Working Code : Find here :
C++ Working code : Find here :
Logic 2)
To Get Minimum element in O(1) from Input or Stack, Instead of keeping a stack of minimum elements in B, we can optimism the space complexity for above solution with single minimum number.
Consider the following input A B (minimum elements) 2 --> TOP 30 5 2 20 5 10 10 (smallest at beginning)
If You pop from A, Pop from B (min elem stack as well) and both’s data is not matching, Push B’s top element to B.
Consider sequence
Pop A. So popped element from A is 2, and B’s popped element is 2. so now min element is for now on is 5.
Pop A, So popped element from A is 30 and B’s popped element is 5, both are not matching, so push 5 to B again. so in B elements are 5,10 and will be min element.
Code :
In above C++ code, change these two methods Push and Pop
void SpecialStack::push(int x) { if(isEmpty()==true){ Stack::push(x); min.push(x); } else { Stack::push(x); int y = min.pop(); min.push(y); if( x <= y ) min.push(x); } } int SpecialStack::pop() { int x = Stack::pop(); int y = min.pop(); if ( y != x ) min.push(y); return x; }