You are given a string T which consists of 0’s and 1’s. Now you input two non-empty strings U and V. Then your task is to match the Regular Expression – U*V with the given … Read More
Knight Tour Problem (Graph – Breadth First Search)
Knight Tour Problem : Given a chess board of size n x n, initial position of knight and final position of knight. We need to find the minimum number of steps required to reach final … Read More
Maximum size of square sub matrix with all 1’s in a binary matrix
Maximum size of square sub matrix with all 1
Consider a binary matrix as shown in the figure below. You need to find the maximum size of square sub matrix with all 1’s.
Edit Distance ( Dynamic Programming )
Given two strings x and y, What is the cheapest possible way to convert x into y where following operations are allowed to perform –
- Substitute a character c of x with c’.
- Insert
Apriori algorithm C Code Data Mining
Apriori Algorithm is an algorithm for data mining of frequent data set and association rule learning over transactional databases. It identifies the frequent individual items in the database for example, collections of items bought by … Read More