ADOBE Interview Questions for Software Engineering , Software Testing , MTS
Written Test :
Before Starting to prepare for Aptitude and C language test
MOST IMPORTANT TO READ is Adobe Interview Experience. Where You can see how was other people’s experience about Adobe Interview and How to crack Adobe in best way
- Implement insertion in tree (Java).
- Discussion on projects.
- Link List v/s BST
- How does strtok() works. How can you make it thread safe.
- Given an array, find number of pairs which equal to a given sum.
- A building has n steps. A person can take 1,2 or 3 steps. In how many ways can a person reach top of building.
- You have a stream of incoming integers. How will you store these numbers and implement following functions : GiveMax(), GiveSecond Max(), Delete Max(), DeleteSecondMax (), Add , Remove an element.ANSWER : Create HashMap , think for more logic
- Discussion on Merge Sort.
- Amortized Analysis of Heap Sort ANSWER : BestCase WorstCase analysis of Heap Sort
- Complete code for dictionary of words(Trie data structure)
- Design an LRU cache
Tips to crack ADOBE Interview Questions
We particularly focus on Algorithm and Data Structure and easiest programming language like Python,C++. We would recommend you to try our Demo session and join Program.
Best Interview Preparation books :
When I was preparing for SAP and Amazon, I have read several book, sites and blogs to prepare for, out which best site, I have already recommended to you guys.There are plenty of books available for Coding interview, out of which I liked these three at best.
a) Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structures and Algorithmic Puzzles, Fifth Edition ( Ex. Amazon, Microsoft and My Friend) : This book is best for college grads, As this book starts with simple basic fundamentals of data structure and algorithm, and gradually very good and tough questions with explanation this book covers, so basically after completing this book You can think how to use and modify any existing data structure and algorithm for your question.
b) Cracking the Coding interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell this book is for good coders and for those who understand reuse of exiting data structure properly, This book contains best logical and complex questions on Data Structure and Algorithm.
- Serialize and de-serialize the object in an optimized way( I gave him the idea of Spill overflow etc). I actually took a deep dive by optimizing in bit level) . After the algorithm, he made me design a library such that if there are 100 clients to my lib, it should be maintainable and flexible
- C program for tail command of Unix using dynamic behavior
- Implement a generic Object Oriented Stack
- Reverse a string word by word in place without using the swap function. The string in not-editable.
- There are N nuts and N bolts, u have to find all the pairs of nuts and bolts in minimum no. of iteration (comparison). All the nuts/bolts might have different diameter.
- There is a paragraph having million characters. You have to find out the first non –repeating character in the complete paragraph. For example:- aab cld jb then answer should be :- c
- Any base to any base conversion i.e base 11 to base 7
- Multi-Threading i.e synchronization or usage of Volatile (Basic questions)
- Garbage collection algorithms
- There are chocolates each worth x. You have total amount y with you. And you can exchange z wrappers for 1 chocolate. So in this way how many chocolates he can eat.
- There are N cities spread in the form of circle. There is road connectivity b/w city 1 and 2, then city 2 and 3 and so on till city n and 1. Each ith city has a petrol pump where you can pick pith petrol and distance between ith and i+1 th city is di . Assume you car has a mileage of 1km/litre. You have to find out if there exist any city, if you start from that city then you can visit all the cities either in the clockwise or anticlockwise fashion.
- Design a transaction system for a bank with many atms across. He asked me if you want to deal with the bank how will you explain them the model and all the software and hardware requirements.
- Write complete code for the number of ways a frog can reach nth step by jumping 1 or 2 steps.
- Why inheritance is used. What is virtual memory and thrashing.norder and level order traversal and queue operations complexity.
- Write complete code for the number of ways a frog can reach nth step by jumping 1 or 2 steps.
- Replace a string with another string in a paragraph. Which data structure you will use. Complete code.
- Implement a generic swap function. –Template
- Contiguous 2-d matrix dynamically in C.
- Spiral order traversal of a matrix. Complete code
- Calculate Fibonacci for nth term. optimize the traditional solution.
- Check if a number is a Palindrome or not.
- Multiply two numbers without using * operator and using minimum number of additions.
- Balancing of parenthesis.
- Find the row with maximum ones in a 2D array where in each row all 1s occur before all 0s
- Design a ladder and Snake Problem with TWO Player and Code it.
- VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTOR, virtual destructor significance.
- Array only 1 element is unique rest are 2 times. How to find that? He further extend if one unique and rest are multiple of 3.
- Design rate Maze Problem.
- Sum of two elements in an Array. Code it.
- Random Pointer in Linked list. Clone it.
- computer science topic which i proud of. Eg Map Reduce, MANET any thing
- Page-Rank Algorithm, a lot of discussion, asked me to code it.
- Write code for inverted index for MapReduce. Mapper and Reducer Functions.
- Implement a stack using a priority queue. Push and pop should be in O(1).
- Three mislabeled jars problem
- When does stack (process stack) overflow? What are the remedies?
- create a BST. And to balance it.
- How are vectors implemented internally in the library. (dynamic implementation of arrays. Then discussed the amortized time of the operations using dynamic implementation of arrays.)
- There was a question in written round that there is a global static variable ‘lock’ initially set to 0 and there was a code segment given.
lock = 1;
//Critical section
lock = 0;
Does this solve critical section problem in Uni and Multiprocessor ?
- What data structures will you use to implement a text editor.
- When a function is called in thread, what variables can be accessed from it.
- Write a program to search an element in a row-wise and column-wise sorted 2-dimesional array
- Write a program to convert a binary tree to binary search tree.
- OS related questions Deadlock,Mutex, Semaphore, IPC etc.
- Declaration, memory allocation difference between new/malloc, free/delete and details about how memory allocation takes place.
- Design a chess game.
- Write a recursive function to print directory structure. Two function were given isfolder() and openfolder().
- Write proper running code for heapsort
- Convex Hull problem
- given a set of points in a plane, how would you make the most optimized triangular mesh-each point is a vertex of a triangle.
- Intersection of two lines in a plane, if they intersect- determine the point of intersection.
- Implement the qsort() in c/sort() in c++ library or your own custom sort which will sort any type of data on user defined criteria.
- How much memory is made available to a user program by the kernel, is there any limit to it? What is the range of addresses a user program can have at max, what determines it?What happens if excess memory is allocated to a user program, say malloc in an infinite loop?
- What is the difference between mutex and a semaphore. Write down a crude implementation of both. How would you solve the mutual exclusion problem using semaphore
- Write a pseudo code for Singleton Pattern.
- Difference between process and thread. Give me a real life example where thread can be used.
- onsider a recursive function with no end condition and architecture of your own laptop. What will happen? After how much time will the program crash.
- Write a client server simple code. How will you handle multiple requests?
- What is Load Balancer?
- How google handles 1 billion request in 1msec.
- Implement a stack where you can search an element in the data structure. He asked me to optimize the solution
- Two strings were given. You have to find whether they are permutations of each other.
- There is a stream of incoming integers, how would you maintain its median using a minHeap and a maxHeap.
- You have the start time, end time and index number of racers in a race. You need to tell the rank of each racer. The rank is calculated as following: if racer B starts after racer A but finishesbefore racer A, then the rank of racer A increases by 1.
Index Start Time End time
0 100 170
1 80 150
2 120 165
3 110 145
Index Rank
2 0
3 0
1 1
0 2
- How would you determine if a coin is biased or not. Does the degree of biasity effect the number of experiments you have to perform?
- Given an integer N . tell if it is power of 3 or not.
- Given infinitely long character array.
replace all occurrence of particular word with another word of larger length. Solution should be inplace can do copy only one time.
Gandhi was born in 1969. Gandhi was from gujrat.
replace gandhi with mahatma - Given a binary search tree delete any node in tree.
ADOBE SDET Testing Interview Questions
- Test cases for mail attachment(word doc) not being opened scenario
- WAP to convert a binary to decimal
- WAP to print sum of first ‘n’ prime numbers
- What is op of following
String s = “Hello “;
s+ = “Adobe “;
- What is the testing framework you have used in Android.What is the approach you follow while testing any product.How do you test a method which does not return any value
- What is memory leak
- What is the difference between instance variable and local variable
- If i write java in command prompt from anywhere in system, will it work?If not, how to make it work.
- Is JVM platform dependant?On what factors it depends?
- WAP to find out factorial of a number. write the testcases and handle the overflow condition and border cases in the code
- Write a code for ternary search. Is it better than Binary? He asked me to generalize the search and asked me which is the optimum.
- I have a hard disk of 100 gb.It has one and only file of 80 GB (database backup).
What happens if i delete it and it goes to recycle bin. - Is the memory freed from the hard disk.
What happens if i move it from one drive to another.
What happens in case of permanent delete.
What happens when we format the disk. - Puzzle:10 containers with 100 balls each but one container defective.Find out the defective container in minimum weighings.
- What is virtual memory.
- There is one fb user in India and another in US.When they communicate, do they connect to same server. If not then how does the communication happen?What is the data that is being transferred.
- Test Cases of Mobile for rural area for hardware as well as software point of view.
- Design a clock in which if you want to know about time in any region of this world, you can know .Hardware given is such that it has already built calculation device inside it.
- Write a C/C++ function for removing extra spaces in given sentence
- Write a various test cases for checking the functionality of Adobe reader while saving it
- Find a 3 digit Number abc such that abc=a!+b!+c!. Ans is 145.
- Write a C code for converting a string from a2b2c5 to aabbccccc. Then make it generalize. Various Test cases of it
- Puzzle : There is a pond in which there is x kg ice on 1st November, it becomes 2x on 2nd November then 4x,8x,16x,32x and so on.Like this whole pond is filled with ice on last day i.e. 30th November. On which day pond was filled with half the ice ?
- Puzzle: you have 100 coins on table, 60 heads and 40 tails. With your eyes closed, how can you separate the coins into 2 groups such that each group has same number of tails.
NK says
September 29, 2015 at 4:33 pmgood job
disha pal says
October 12, 2019 at 12:01 pmwhat is the sol of ques 74?