How to write Binary Search Tree Code in Java with proper class structure and methods.
Here is the implementation of Binary Search Tree in Java.
Class Structure, Get Set Methods, Binary Tree Operation, Pre-Post-InOrder code and Testing Function is written Step by Step
ADT/Class Structure for Tree in java
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class BinaryNode{ private int Data; private Object Data; private BinaryNode Left; private BinaryNode Right; public BinaryNode(){ Key = gio.ReadInteger("Enter in Key Value: "); Data = gio.ReadString("Enter in data : "); Left = null; Right = null; } public class BTree { private BinaryNode Root; private int NoOfNodes; private BTree(){ Root = null; NoOfNodes = 0; }
Get Methods
public int gKey() { return Key; } public Object gData() { return Data; } public BinaryNode gLeft() { return Left; } public BinaryNode gRight() { return Right; }
Set Methods
public void sKey(int AValue) { Key = AValue; } public void sData(Object AValue) { Data = AValue; } public void sLeft( BinaryNode AValue) { Left = AValue; } public void sRight( BinaryNode AValue) { Right = AValue; } }
Binary Tree Operations
public boolean IsEmpty(){ return(NoOfNodes == 0); } public BinaryNode gRoot() { return Root; } public int Count() { return NoOfNodes; } public int Size(BinaryNode ATree){ if (ATree == null) return 0; else return(1 + Size(ATree.gLeft()) + Size(ATree.gRight())); } public int Height(BinaryNode ATree){ if (ATree == null) return 0; else return (1 + Math.max(Height(ATree.gLeft()), Height(ATree.gRight()))); }
PreOrder PostOrder InOrder
public void PreOrder(BinaryNode ATree){ if (ATree != null){ System.out.println(ATree.gData()); PreOrder(ATree.gLeft()); PreOrder(ATree.gRight()); } } public void InOrder(BinaryNode ATree){ if (ATree != null){ InOrder(ATree.gLeft()); System.out.println(ATree.gData()); InOrder(ATree.gRight()); } } public void PostOrder(BinaryNode ATree){ if (ATree != null){ PostOrder(ATree.gLeft()); PostOrder(ATree.gRight()); System.out.println(ATree.gData()); } }
Insert Operation
public void Insert(int AId, Object AValue){ //For Binary Searh Tree // BinaryNode Temp,Current,Parent; if(Root == null){ Temp = new BinaryNode(AId,AValue); Root = Temp; NoOfNodes++; } else { Temp = new BinaryNode(AId,AValue); Current = Root; while(true){ Parent = Current; if(AId < Current.gKey()) { Current = Current.gLeft(); if (Current == null) { Parent.sLeft(Temp); NoOfNodes++; return; } } else { Current = Current.gRight(); if(Current == null) { Parent.sRight(Temp); NoOfNodes++; return; } } } }
public BinaryNode Find(int AKey) { BinaryNode Current = null; if(!IsEmpty()) { Current = Root; while(Current.gKey() != AKey) { if(AKey < Current.gKey()) Current = Current.gLeft(); else Current = Current.gRight(); if(Current == null) return null; } } return Current; }
Main Method
public static void main (String [] Args) { BTree MyTree = new BTree(); BinaryNode NodeAt; //Insert data into the tree - key and some text MyTree.Insert(12,"Hen"); MyTree.Insert(4,"Dog"); MyTree.Insert(11,"Cat"); MyTree.Insert(1,"Frog"); MyTree.Insert(100,"Owner"); MyTree.Delete(1); MyTree.InOrder(MyTree.gRoot()); NodeAt = MyTree.Find(11); if(NodeAt !=null) System.out.println("Data in Node with Key 11 = " + NodeAt.gData()); System.exit(0); }//end of test code }// end of class code